A foreign business requires a proper distribution channel to sell online products and services to Indian customers. A thorough consulting and research are necessary to evaluate the Market and understand the requirements of the customers. For selling directly to customers, a business must strategically enter the growing Indian Market.
The Indian Market is extensively diverse, and to expand into this highly competitive market, adaptive strategies are required. It is not easy to expand business in India, and the outcome largely depends on the type of industry. The distribution channel and ultimate selling to customers require networking and collaborating with business partners in India. Proper consulting and in-depth research is necessary for venturing and connecting with a reliable channel partner, distribution, and expanding the business for selling directly to customers.
Expansion of Business Into Indian Market
India is undoubtedly one of the biggest rising economies. There is an increase in cross-border e-commerce prospect that brings foreign sellers and Indian buyers together. This is a big opportunity for international businesses to sell products online in the Indian market. The population of India is slowly evolving into becoming tech-savvy and turning into purchasing a wide range of products online. However, there are regulations aimed at protecting Indian Brands. With foreign direct investment, it enables expanding into the e-commerce market of India and selling directly online to Indian customers. The e-commerce is a good gateway to reach maximum Indian customers from all parts of the country.
The Market has changed with time, and so have the requirements for selling foreign products online. With revisions in the 100% Foreign Direct Investment in e-commerce, foreign businesses can sell their goods directly to Indian customers online but in collaboration with Indian business or entities. The government of India has placed a great emphasis on “Make in India.” Hence, it was announced that only those foreign companies would be able to sell products directly online to Indian customers that manufacture the products in India.
- The foreign direct investment now allows a foreign company to sell products online to customers directly. This means it is open for business to customer retail.
- The e-commerce sites can serve as a platform for the manufacturing units to sell products directly to Indian customers, provided the products are produced in India.
- Foreign direct investment is likely to make the Indian e-commerce industry a million-dollar business and collaborating with an Indian company can help indirectly selling the products online.
- There is an increase in the opening of online stores in India by different foreign companies without using a third-party e-commerce platform through direct manufacture in India.
Direct online selling opportunities in India to customers-
A foreign company requires the right sales strategy to expand business in India. This means an in-depth and thorough understanding of the Indian Market. Entering the Market in India requires a professional consultant’s services in strategically planning, researching, and finding the right means to enter. Tecnova is a consulting firm that has helped many foreign companies to sell their products in the Indian market. One of the common mistakes that most foreign companies make is directly entering the only the high yield segment market. This is a mistake and leaves a company stranded midway as only 15 to 20% of the e-commerce market constitutes customers in this segment.
It is essential first to understand the Indian audience when trying to sell products online to Indian customers directly. The customers’ buying patterns and the products that most customers are likely to buy require a lot of research on consumer trends.
While entering the Indian Market, a foreign business needs a proper sales and distribution channel to bridge the gap between sellers and buyers.
E-commerce is a billion-dollar industry, and in the coming times, it is further going to increase. Entering the Indian Market can be tricky with all the rules and regulations implemented by the government. The right strategies and understanding of the market through professional India entry consulting services like Tecnova can help foreign businesses with a secure grip over their business.
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